Well, It's official. I have been given the permission to attend the MacLive Conference in New York City in May. WOOO HOOOO. This is the same conference I attended last year in Tampa and it was wonderful. The people that actually write the books on different applications are the presenters and boy do they impart knowledge. You come away with your brain absolutely saturated with "stuff". This year they have strands about podcasting. Which I hope to attend. I will be attending with web/video person, Deb. Her and I attended together last year and had a good time. We will be staying at the New Yorker hotel, which will be close to the conference. It was very difficult to find a hotel because I am so unfamiliar with the area and everything seemed so expensive.
I wish they had some sort of class that would give you confidence and no fear - that's what I need most.

I don't know why I freak out so much when speaking in front of people. It's definately a negative.
I think if someone were to just give me a script and say "here teach this" specifically, I would be fine. I just have trouble organizing my thoughts into a box. I guess I should have never thrown the "proverbial" (sp?) box away.
Maybe I'll come back pumped up enough the fear will be overtaken with excitement. Yeah, right. Fear always wins. Darn fear.

Anyway - should be an interesting few

weeks. Conference in New York, next week graduation, two weeks off then the big Kan-ed conference in Wichita. Then I will probably sleep. A few weeks of catching up and then getting Aaron off to college. Where has the time gone. Seems like just yesterday he was a little baby and throwing a fit. Oh wait- that was yesterday. ....